Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Laurent Boudin

    • Hiring committees: Univ. Besançon (MCF position in Numerical analysis), Univ P. & M. Curie (MCF position in Modeling, PDE analysis, numerical analysis, scientific computing).

  • Miguel Ángel Fernández Varela

    • Member of the Postdocs Selection Committee, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, 2011

  • Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau

    • Editorial boards : ESAIM Proceedings (editor-in-chief), Mathematical modeling and Numerical Analysis M2AN, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics

    • Service activity at INRIA: Member of the evaluation committee of INRIA; Vice-president of the project-teams committee at INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt.

    • Service activity in Universities: Member of the board of the Department of Mathematics of Paris 6 University (conseil de l'UFR 929), member of the Reference Committee of the PhD program Mathematical Models and Methods in Engineering (Politecnico di Milano, Italy).

    • Thesis committee: D. Lombardi, Univ. Bordeaux (referee)

    • Hiring committees: Univ Rouen (Professor position), INRIA Bordeaux (CR2 and CR1 positions).

  • Céline Grandmont

    • Co-organizer of the first parity day in mathematic http://postes.smai.emath.fr/parite/journee/journee_parite.php ;

    • Program committee for 4 years of the “forum des jeunes mathématiciennes” (2010–2014);

    • Member of the CNU 26 (2011–2015)

    • Thesis committees: Referee for the Ph.D thesis of E. Schwindt (Univ. of Nancy and Santiago de Chili); Referee for the Ph.D thesis of J. Lequeurre (Toulouse Univ.); Member of the Ph. D. jury of A. Blasselle (Paris 6 Univ.) J. Lequeurre (Toulouse Univ.) and E. Schwindt (Univ. of Nancy and Santiago de Chili).

    • Hiring committee: INSA Lyon.

  • Marc Thiriet

    • Editorial board: Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering.

    • Member of the selection comittee of HPC projects in the framework of HPC-Europa2 – Pan-European Research Infrastructure for High Performance Computing supported by the European Commission Capacities Area - Research Infrastructures Initiative

    • President of thematic comittee CT3 (Biomedical Simulation and Applications to Health) of GENCI (Grand Equipement National de Calcul Intensif – National Large Equipement for Intensive Computation)

    • Thesis committee of K.C. Chang Chien, Telecom & Management Sud Paris and University Pierre et Marie Curie, France, September 2011.

  • Irène Vignon-Clémentel

    • Organizing the monthly seminar at INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt on “modeling and scientific computing”

    • Member of the “Conseil d'orientation scientifique et technologique” (scientific and technologic orientation council) of l'INRIA, in the subgroup “GT Actions Incitatives” (incentive action working group)

    • Mediator between PhD students and their supervisors for INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, presentation October 21rst to new PhD students

    • Coordinator of the associated team CARDIO between REO and Prof. Taylor's lab at Stanford University, USA and colleagues both at INRIA and in the USA (2008-present)